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The post How to Write a Perfect Dissertation appeared first on Academic Master.

While being in the university in any state or country, the biggest problem for every student is writing an impressive dissertation. Writing a dissertation can be difficult when your priority is to gain good grades and make an appearance in the eyes of your professors. Impressing your professors can be difficult as professors are thought to be miser in giving good grades. This can be a big problem which can act as a barrier in accomplishing your goal of gaining a degree with dignity. University study is much more difficult than colleges, so, many of the students often get anxious about writing a  perfect dissertation. The dissertation writing can be matched to the essay writing but, you must make sure that your dissertation is full of facts, references, this and that. So, you must keep a balance and don’t mix your experience of writing essays in the present world of dissertation. To gain good grades, students are told from the first day that their dissertation must be the best. If you succeed in writing a dissertation, it will be much easier for you to gain your dream job and make your life easy.


What is Dissertation?

What comes to your mind when you hear the word “dissertation”?

Is it “a long essay on a particular subject”, “a research project completed for the undergraduate and postgraduate degree”, “a document submitted”?

There are many true definitions of dissertation. A dissertation can be a long essay with hundreds of pages and it can focus on a specific topic. A dissertation can also be a project which is the result of the research which you have conducted by the orders of your professor.

A cheap dissertation can allow you to make your future life and the career life easier. So, you must make sure that you are not only writing a dissertation for your studies but that you are writing a dissertation for the sake of your bright future.

A dissertation can be the last and the largest piece of writing at the end of your degree

So, you should keep that in mind that every human wants his/her last work to be the best.

Importance of Dissertation

For writing a dissertation, you must have to be creative in your ideas. In other words, you must know how to convey your ideas to the others. A dissertation can be the test of your knowledge of independent and self-governing words. You have to perform free research on the specific topic. This can allow you to know about many different things and also to learn new things. You have quite several benefits in writing a dissertation. You are provided with a lot of sovereignty for writing a dissertation. In this way, you can be able to think about new ideas, explore different places and make yourself independent in writing and developing your text.

So, in short, writing a dissertation can help you as it is an important preparation for your future. By writing a dissertation, you will learn to handle your time, engender your creative ideas, and be able to work independently.

Dissertation Format Template

Example of a Dissertation

  1. Introduction Chapter

    The subject of your dissertation. It is an introductory opening to your subject

  2. Literature Review Chapter

    A journalism view that analysis important foundations. It will give a justification of your way of writing

  3. Research Method Chapter

    A summary of the consequences of your dissertation

  4. Discussion Chapter

    A conversation of the consequences and their inferences

  5. Conclusion Chapter

    A finale that demonstrates what your study has donated

If you are a student of humanities, the dissertations are often prepared more likely as a long essay. It builds an argument by investigating primary and secondary sources. Instead of following the standard way of writing a dissertation, you can organize your chapters with the help of different themes and case studies.
But, while all this, you must not forget about some of the important features which can make your dissertation paper more acceptable. Those important features include the title page, abstract and reference list.
If, however, you are doubtful about the structure of your dissertation, you can easily consult and talk with some superior or supervisor. Every university provides a department’s guideline, so you can also pay a visit.
So, let’s begin:

The Subject of your Dissertation

The first page of your dissertation is the most important as it can allow you to give an introduction of yourself and also to make it known to your readers about what you are writing.
On the very first page, you must write the title of your dissertation, the name of the owner (your name), department in which you are studying, your institution name, the degree program and the submission date of your dissertation. All these can make your professors aware about you and it can also help others to know about you.
Sometimes, it can also include your number of students, the name of your supervisor and the logo of your university. Many degree programs can have strict necessities for formatting your dissertation title page.
During printing and binding your dissertation work, the dissertation title page can be used as the cover of your whole work.
After the completion of your cover page, you must come up with a good topic. Your topic must be related to your degree program and it must be assured that the topic suits you. If you are quite well known to a category, you can choose it to write a good dissertation. You must be sure that the research should be easy for others too. The choice of a topic can be difficult as it requires brainstorming a lot. You should choose a topic which should be easy in your respective way, easy to understand, easy to follow and easy for others to think about. The more efficient and easy your topic is, the more people will be attracted to it. So, you must be quite choosy on the topic.
After the choice of your topic, you must not forget to add your name. If you want, you can also include your student number. The department and institution name is also important.
After completing the necessities of your first page, you can give it a good color scheme or you can also decorate it a bit to make it more attractive.

An introductory opening to your work

After your cover, you must give the introduction to your topic. You should tell your readers about the facts that you are going to tell them in the next pages. You can write the purpose of your dissertation as well the advantages of your writings. The introduction can be of one to two pages. You can add different questions in your introduction to ask your readers about what they want to learn. The purpose of introduction is mainly for the readers to hook up with the expectations about what is going to come in the next pages and what else is written for them. Your introduction must be impressive as it is going to be the first page to read for your readers.

The introduction can become the best if you:

• Set up your research topic, and give important background information to force your readers to ponder over your work
• Cut down the extra work and mainly describe the range of work
• Talk about the condition of on hand research on the title, and show the significance of your work by connection it to an international problem or making it as a debate
• Noticeably describe your objectives and research questions, and point out the way about how you will answer these questions if they were asked from you.
• Most importantly, Give an overview of the structure of your dissertation

If you want to make your dissertation’s introduction to be the best, you can try to follow all the stated instructions. The introduction can be important in many terms as it allows you to explain your work. So, every single point in the introduction should be clear, engaging, understandable, obvious, attractive and relatable to your research.
You can make your introduction look like a question table. After reading, the reader should be asking you the questions as “why”, “what” and “how”. It will allow you to force them to go into the next pages and read what you have explained in them.

A journalism view that analysis important foundations

Before you go out in the world to conduct practical research on your work, you can also perform literature research. This may be efficient in the case when you want to gain from beginning to end understanding of the academic work that is available on the same topic. You can search your topic in different libraries, bookshops and the Internet. You can also:

o Making a collection of books and journal articles of different other writers and then choosing the best and relatable among them.
o Strictly calculating and examining each source of knowledge and research work
o By linking different articles with each other to create an overall dissertation work.

This can be helpful as you cannot gain enough knowledge by your practical work and you will be forced to ask your superior. So, it is better to read the work of other writers and share the knowledge with them. In this case, you should not just summarize and shortly define what others are describing, but, you must unite structures and arguments that can result in an understandable foundation and explanation of your research work. The study of literature can also become the foundation of the theoretical work that you have to provide in your dissertation work. In this way, you can define and summarize the necessary points of view, ideas and representations that can be helpful for you to modify your research.

A justification of your way of writing

You can give the justification of the way you wrote the whole research paper. It can also tell about how you performed your research. It includes how you chose the topic, collected all the writings and then modified them and made them useful for you. It can satisfy your readers about the validity of your dissertation writing. You can assure your readers for the references and the knowledge provided in your writing work. You can add the overall approach of yours and all the type of material whether it is qualitative or quantitative. You can also add the following products in your justification to make your reader assure about you:

o Complete experimental and ethnographic research
o The ways how you collected your data, whether it was by interviews, surveys or archives
o Every single detail about how, where, when and with whom you collected all the information for your dissertation writing
o Technology and Media that you used in your work; it can also include computer knowledge or laboratory materials
o The description of the barriers you faced during your research and how you conquer them for the sake of sharing knowledge

This all can assure your readers that you were quite a bit motivated in writing your dissertation and that all the material which you have used was for the right use. It can also assure them about the fact that your way of writing the end will be impressive. So, in short, it will allow your readers to go on with the next pages. The main target and aim of you in writing the justification is to satisfy your readers and to report about all the research places and deeds.

A summary of the consequences of your dissertation

Now, when you have written to the full and also satisfied your readers, so, it is time to conclude everything which you have gained so far. So, you must report the consequences of your research. The result can give all your efforts an end and make you aware of the fact that you have done everything that you could do and now it is the time to put it all together. The results should be impressive so that your readers don’t get disappointed in you in the ending. The ending must be as pleasant it can be to have a happy life. While in the result section, you can add quite other things rather than just text and make it more decorative. You can add sub-questions, thesis and topics. In the result section, you can add charts, tables and graphics. Because this section is to conclude all your efforts, so you must make sure that nothing goes wrong. You must think a lot about which way is the best to represent your data. You should not repeat the tables that have already written in the text, but, you must analyze your data in the table form which is different from every word of yours that has been written. If you want to add an interview in the full form, you can add it as an appendix.

A conversation of the consequences and their inferences

After the writing of your results, you can add the discussions which you had with your friends while conducting the research. You can add it in the form of dialogues or just a written work. The discussion should mention other academic vocations to show how your consequences are in shape with accessible knowledge. You can also give your readers the ideas about the topics to write shortly. These topics can also be given as practical applications. You can add about the facts you learned by your research. It can be useful as the readers can know about your experiences.

A finale that demonstrates what your study has donated

In the end, you can just make your work useful for others and make it available for all the people all around the world. This can increase the clarification of your writing and you will be able to tell everyone about your ideas. Your study can donate some useful information to the world.

SO, writing a dissertation can be quite easy as it can help you to move on with your studies and the future job. Make sure you write as good a dissertation as the salary package you want. You will get the fruit of your labor in the next few days.

The post How to Write a Perfect Dissertation appeared first on Academic Master.

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