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Step by step guide to writing a first-class dissertation:

The project of writing a dissertation is an extended piece of academia which is to be written on a selected topic at college or university level. The dissertation writing is considered to be the concluding stage for a Masters’s or Ph.D. degree. So far as the process of writing a first-class dissertation is considered, it is a research paper of the best quality, with the final grades with at least 70% marks. It enables you to demonstrate your skills and abilities to systematize your research project

A first-class dissertation requires a formal style and structure to be followed for the successful completion of your academic career. the dissertation format and the word count vary according to the academic level. This article provides you guidance to write a first-class dissertation within the given deadline. A general perception of dissertation writing is that the written document must be precise and focused.

Outline for a First class Dissertation:

The project of dissertation writing provides an occasion to research within a specific subject. The main aim of the dissertation is to put together the ideas, theories and concepts collected during research. In dissertation writing, all the ideas and concepts are proved via evidence and reliable information. At the final stage of dissertation writing, the students must be able to fulfill the deadlines and the required standards. Through dissertation writing, the students can be able to implement their knowledge and abilities into practice.

Dissertation mentor:

The dissertation mentor has to execute a lot of duties. Your academic superintendent will provide you help and guidance to write a dissertation. Right from the topic selection to the final submission, your tutor will be there at every stage to provide the required guidance.

After the topic selection, the very first step is to write a dissertation proposal and get it approved by the tutor. Your tutor will be of great help at this stage of your academic career. Your tutor will check your work thoroughly, in grammar, style, and format. The students are to be much responsible for writing a first-class dissertation. There must be quick and regular contact between the student and the tutor during the entire academic session.

how to write a first class dissertation

Research proposal:

For writing the first-class dissertation within the deadline, a research proposal is an important step Research proposal is an important document written at the very initial stage of dissertation writing. Your research proposal will depict your ideas and the format to be followed in the final dissertation. Furthermore, this document clearly defines your research objectives, the research sources, and the dissertation methodology. The academic supervisor will help you to write your research proposal according to the required standards. The good research proposal must comprise of: 1. Dissertation title 2. A brief introduction of the topic 3. An opening literature review 4. Research methodology 5. Research schedule

Title page and Abstract:

The title page of your dissertation must state your topic. The title page is the most important step for writing a first-class dissertation. A good dissertation must have an abstract of up to 350-500 words. The abstract describes a concise summary of the final results of the final dissertation paper. The abstract must also provide enough information about the results of the entire research work. While writing a first-class dissertation, your abstract must present an insight into the whole research work briefly and concisely.

Acknowledgment page:

The Acknowledge page is another important part of a first-class dissertation. In this page of the dissertation, the student pays gratitude to his/her tutors, friends and family members who have been of great help and inspiration during research work. Acknowledgment is considered to be a declaration that the written dissertation is solely your work.

Acknowledgment page also involves your near and dear ones in your academic career and you feel proud to comment about the people who have been a source of inspiration for you in your academic career.

Table of contents and Introduction:

The table of contents page enlists the chapter headings, subheadings, appendices, and references. A first-class dissertation must be divided into chapters and parts. For a good dissertation format, the students can take help from their academic supervisors.

The introduction chapter includes a statement of the problem and research objectives. Research questions and hypnoses must also be clarified in the introductory chapter. The terms used in the research should also be explained at this stage of first-class dissertation writing.

Literature review:

The second chapter of your dissertation is the literature review. Here, you will review the previous research done on the specific topic and relate your findings to the previously found results. This section will present your judgment in the literature. The chapter of the literature review also enables readers about the power of your research methodology. The literature review of a Master’s level dissertation should be about 3,000-4,000 words.

Research methodology:

This part of a first-class dissertation clarifies the methods to be used to collect the data and information about your dissertation topic. You may use qualitative or quantitative research methodologies. In qualitative research methodology, your main concern will be the research questions and data collection. In quantitative methodology, your focus will be to collect information about the population and sample.

Research findings:

The chapter of research findings is the most important part of writing a first-class dissertation. This chapter depicts your mental and academic abilities. Here, in this chapter, you again have to state your research questions. You have to analyze your collected data and compile the results. Your research findings will present the answers to all your research questions and hypotheses.

Discussion and suggestions:

The final chapter of your dissertation is the most important one as it concludes your entire work. So, this chapter must be written keenly and with great attention. If you are not able to conclude your work well, your efforts and energies may be wasted. The last chapter of a first-class dissertation must also include suggestions for further researches in the same area of research.

For further information about writing a first-class dissertation, you may contact our expert and professional dissertation writers who are available 24/7 to provide the required help and assistance for dissertation writing.

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The post How to Write a First Class Dissertation appeared first on Academic Master.
